TFN Members: Looking for the latest issues? You’ll find them on our Members Only site.
TFN members consider our newsletter, Toronto Field Naturalist, one of the most treasured benefits of membership. Published eight times a year (Sept. to Dec. & Feb. to May), this magazine provides articles on nature in Toronto, species spotlights, environmental news, book & app reviews, nature photography, and detailed information about upcoming walks, lectures, and other TFN events. All members receive our digital edition in PDF format. Members may also elect to receive a mailed edition, printed on 100% recycled paper.
The two most recent issues are only made available to our members and require a password to access. All of our back issues (since our first one in 1938!) are available to everyone online.
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40 Years of TFN
While our Back Issue Search, and Browse by Date features are helpful in many circumstances, neither are perfect for all. For many years, TFN’s generous volunteers have taken time to manually index our back issues, and we’ve now started the process of digitizing these resources and making them available on our website!
Can’t find what you’re looking for? Maybe our Index for 1938-1978 will help. More index issues will be released as soon as possible.